The joining of various media — pictures, video, animation, sound, graphics — and then responding to users is a relatively new concept. Last century it was called "multimedia," then "new media," and then "interactive media." More recently it might be a "Mash-Up" or a "Transmedia Event." But the way people encounter stories and messages has forever changed.
Responsive web design takes into account the device a user is using and customize the content to suit the device. On a mobile platform it can even customize the presentation based on the user's location.
For the first time digital signage can respond to a person's body language and identify their engagement.
Games can be delivered that integrate the fantastic with the real world or allow the real world to encroach on the gaming environment.
Motion City wants to help you deliver that. Additionally we have created numerous web sites and designed many logos and brands. We have been creating amazing experiences for 25 years and are up for any challenge.